2024 Holiday Wish Lists


2024 Holiday Wish Lists can be searched by category.

The categories are: Male or Female; Kids or Teens or Special Needs recipient. You can also sort by Agency Name. Each wish list includes buying instructions.

How to select the wish list you want:
1) Find a wish list you would like to fulfill and then click “Select this Wish List”

2) Then click “See your Cart” and click “Check Out this Wish List”. Enter your name and email address.

3) You will receive an email with your wish list, shopping instructions and where to drop off the gifts.

Thank you for supporting the Giving Tree Holiday Wish List Program!


Name: test | Gender: Male | Age: 14 years old

Teen is a twin: No
Please purchase a gift card for the teen from: Amazon

Please purchase one (1) book:
Teen’s interests:
Reading/Grade Level:
Other book request info:

Any additional info about the teen:

Recipient ID: bhb-100-1-2-m-14

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