Call: 561-391-8900

KIDS (13 & Under)
2024 Holiday Wish List Form

This form will be live from 9 am, Wednesday, September 18 to 9 pm, Wednesday, October 16.

If you have any questions or problems with this form,
please contact us at and we will be happy to help.
-The Giving Tree Holiday Team

2024 Kids Wish List Form

Case Worker Information

Name of Agency

Recipient Information

Child's sex:
Child is a twin?


Please fill out the next two fields together:
So that it reads: this child is ____ of _____total children.

For example: If the child has 4 children in their house, and they are the oldest, then you would enter [ 1 ] in the first box and then put [ 4 ] in the second box. If this is the 2nd oldest child then you would enter [ 2 ] in the first box and then [ 4 ] in the second box and so on for all the kids in the house.

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