
Random Act of Kindness

We provided gas money to the grandparent of a burn victim so that he could afford the one hundred mile round tip drive the hospital to visit his grandson who is in his care. In typical "Giving Tree" fashion, we also donated extra funding for food and gifts.


Dear Temple Beth El,

I never thought I would ever see my mother smile again from the heart. I have watched her since her injury and I have seen her cry and smile, but the smiles were more to console us so that we wouldn’t worry about her visible injuries, our challenges, and the loss of feeling safe and secure.

The money, gift cards, Wii game console, and all of the beautiful gifts brought tears of joy to our family. The smiles and laughs that I saw on my mother’s face were truly from the heart and soul. Because of your generosity we were able to help other children from our church that were not going to receive any gifts. We were able to share our bountiful blessings and give them a special Christmas. We had the best Christmas ever, and Temple Beth El made it possible for us to bless other children.

Our grandmother always told us to have faith, and know that the challenges we are faced with are only temporary. That they were put in our life so we would come through stronger and more prepared for life. I now believe her, and know that she is smiling down on us from heaven saying “I told you so my children”. The Tan studded back pack was my personal favorite gift along with the numerous school supplies. I took the pencil sharpener (smile). The gift cards made it possible for me to purchase a laptop computer and printer for school, which is why I was able to type you this letter.

Thank you again for making our family, your special family for the Christmas Season. May God bless all of you who made so many dreams come true and wishes fulfilled. 

Thank you,


Dear The Giving Tree of Temple Beth El,

On behalf of myself and family, we want to say thank you. With what we’ve received from your hearts, I can truly say this is the first time our little apartment feels like a home. Due to my job, my children were lacking many things, but now they’re overjoyed. Again, thank you! Don’t ever change your hearts. Just when I thought I couldn’t see through the darkness, you all gave me and my family light.
– The Wall Family

Boca Raton Housing Authority

Dear The Giving Tree of Temple Beth El,

Thank you for your donations! It is through the support of individuals, corporate representatives, and non-profit organizations like you that we are able to continue to strengthen our Family Self Sufficiency Program and develop new innovative projects to serve our community.

Thank you,
Deltha Hofmeister and FSS